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Angels in the Battlefield represent those who are fighting for a cause they believe in.

Some of those causes include:
Blue: Addiction Recovery, Arthritis, Beat Bullying, Colon Cancer, Human Trafficking, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Child Abuse
Green: Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Glaucoma, Kidney Cancer, Leukemia, Literacy, Mental Health/Illness, Traumatic Brain Knjury, Lumphoma, Muscular Dystrophy
Pink: Breast Cancer
Purple: Alzheimers, ADD, ADHD, Chrons, Fibromyalgia, Lupus
Red: Heart Disease, AIDS/HIV, Stroke, Substance Abuse
Yellow: Bladder/Bone Cancer, Obesity, Spinabifida, Liver Cancer, Endometriosis, Suicide Prevention
White: Lung Cancer, Emphysema, Multiple Sclerosis, Blindness